Brihannila Tantra: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

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Zeile 47: Zeile 47:
Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die [[Puja]] oder Anbetung der Nilasarasvati. Es ist an abgelegenen Orten wie Wüsten, Verbrennungsstätten, Dschungeln, Anhöhen und Bergen zu tun. Am Anfang steht die Verehrung der Götter Ganesa, Kshetrapala, Yogini und Vatuka mit (....). Während sie den Altar betreten, erhalten Brahma und Vastupurusha ihre Anbetung. Über die Devi soll meditiert werden, als auf dem Sitz von Juwelen am Fuße des wunscherfüllenden Baumes sitzend.
Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die [[Puja]] oder Anbetung der Nilasarasvati. Es ist an abgelegenen Orten wie Wüsten, Verbrennungsstätten, Dschungeln, Anhöhen und Bergen zu tun. Am Anfang steht die Verehrung der Götter Ganesa, Kshetrapala, Yogini und Vatuka mit (....). Während sie den Altar betreten, erhalten Brahma und Vastupurusha ihre Anbetung. Über die Devi soll meditiert werden, als auf dem Sitz von Juwelen am Fuße des wunscherfüllenden Baumes sitzend.
Das zur Verehrung notwendige Wasser soll mit dem Mantra (....) und den Händen mit (....). Das Nippen ist mit (...) zu tun. Die Büschel der Haare am Kopf sind mit (...) zu binden und die Reinigung der Erde mit (....).
Das zur Verehrung notwendige Wasser soll mit dem Mantra (....) und die Händen mit (....) gereingt werden. Das Nippen ist mit (...) zu tun. Die Büschel der Haare am Kopf sind mit (...) zu binden und die Reinigung der Erde mit (....).

Version vom 16. Dezember 2018, 10:22 Uhr

Das in das 17te Jahrhundert zu datierende Brihannila Tantra(Brihad Nila Tantra) entstand im bengalischen Orissa. Es beinhaltet die Verehrung der Göttin Nila('blau') Sarasvati.

Im Brihad Nila Tantra und im Devirahasya sowie im Tantraraja Tantra werden exotische Tara-Namen wie Nilasarasvati, Aniruddha Sarasvati, Ugra Tara und Tarini erwähnt.
Ein weiteres Werk über Tara ist das Tararahasya.


Das Brihan Nila - Tantra ist in 24 Kapitel unterteilt und als Belehrung von Mahakalabhairava an Mahakali ausgeführt.

Das Kapitel 1 enthält eine kurze Inhaltsübersicht. Im Kapitel 11 wird beschrieben, wie die Göttin blau wurde. Die entsprechenden Mantras sind im Text der englischen Übersetzung in Sanskrit angegeben.

  • Kapitel 1 behandelt die Devi Tarini, deren Ursprung das Ramayana herleitet, und die hier als siddha vidya beschrieben wird und Maya und Verblendung erzeugt.

Ihr Mantra ist hier Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat. Das Vidya ist das Herz von Nila Sarasvati.

  • Kapitel 3 beschreibt die Einweihung und die Eigenschaften von Guru und Schüler sowie die rechten Zeiten für die Vollziehung einer Diksha.
  • Kapitel 4 enthält eine Beschreibung des Purashcharana, einer Methode der Wirksammachung eines Mantra. Taras Mala ist hier aus menschlichem Knochen gemacht und muss sorgfältig hergestellt und gereinigt werden.
  • Kapitel 7 behandelt das satkarma oder die 4 magischen Handlungen und die Verehrung der Kumaris. Daneben geht es auf das Maha China Krama ein, das essenziell Vamachara ist.
  • Kapitel 8 beschreibt das Tara - Yantra , in dessen Mitte sich Tara und Mahakala in Yab-Yum befinden.
  • Kapitel 11 : Tara Mantras : An erster stelle steht Om Hrim Strim Hum Phat. Ugra Tara's siebzehnbuchstabiges Mantra ist hier Om padme mahapadme padmavati maye svaha. das Mantra von Nila Sarasvati ist Aim Hrim Shrim Hsaum Shauh vada vada vagvadini Klim Klim Klim Nilasarasvati Aim Aim Aim kahi kahi kararim Svaha.
  • Kapitel 12 : Die Göttin Tarini
  • Kapitel 14 handelt über die Verehrung von Kamakhya und Tripura. Die Göttin Kamakhya verweilt in Kamarupa und hat ein Yantra, in dem die 64 Yoginis Ehre erhalten. Tripuras Mantra ist hier Aim Klim Sauh.
  • Kapitel 18 bringt die 1000 Namen der Tara während Kapitel 20 die 100 Namen der Tara bringt.
  • Kapitel 19 handelt über die Rüstung und das geheime Mantra von Tara.
  • Kapitel 22 beinhaltet die 1000 Namen der Kali.

Das Tantra behandelt die Kumari Puja und erklärt das Konzept des misracara-Doppellebens.


Die Pitha Shaktis der Tara Lakshmi werden in acht Blättern verehrt...Man visualisiert den Buchstaben “āḥ” in einem roten Lotus. Über diesem wiederum visualisiert man den Buchstaben “tāṁ” auf einem weißen Lotus. Über diesem visualisiert man wiederum den Buchstaben “hūṁ” in blauer Farbe […]
Ihr Kopf ist oben mit dem Buddha Aksobhya verziert...

Daher sind einige Bezüge zum Buddhismus nicht schwer auszumachen. Es ist allgemein anerkannt, dass das populäre Dhyāna von Tārā, das von Kṛṣnānanda āgamavāgīśa zur Verfügung gestellt wird, dem populären buddhistischen Handbuch Sādhanamālā entnommen wurde. Ältere buddhistische Werke beschreiben Nāgārjuna auch als den Verbreiter der Verehrung von Ekajaṭā, dessen Mantra er angeblich aus Bhoṭa deśa (Tibet) mitgebracht hat. Die in buddhistischen Tantras beschriebene Version des Nīlasarasvatī-Mantras lautet:
ॐ पिचु पिचु प्रज्ञावर्धनि ज्वल ज्वल मेधावर्धनि धिरि धिरि धिवर्धिवर्धनि स्वाहा (OM picu picu prajñāvardhani jvala jvala medhāvardhani dhiri dhiri buddhivardhani svāhā )[1]

Kurzer Inhalt der 24 Kapitel

  • Kapitel I

Darin bittet die Devi Bhairava, das Nilatantra zu enthüllen, wie es zu der Zeit versprochen wurde, als das Kalitantra enthüllt wurde. Bhairava bekräftigt die Verheißung und erklärt, dass das Tantra, das er offenbaren soll, gebührend bewahrt und verborgen werden sollte, da dies zu vielen Segnungen führt. Zunächst erwähnt er kurz die wichtigen Themen des Tantra und beginnt dann, Tara in all ihren Formen zu beschreiben, zusammen mit der Art und Weise, wie sie verehrt werden soll.

Das Mantra von Nilasarasvati besteht aus fünf Silben. Es liest als (....).
Von diesem ist Vasishtha der Weise, Vrahati der Zähler, Nilasarasvati die Gottheit und der Gegenstand der Erlangung der poetischen Kraft. Dem Praktiker des Mantras wird geraten, das Baden in der richtigen Weise entsprechend den vedischen und tantrischen Formen auszuführen. Er muss dabei Mantras für bestimmte Handlungen einsetzen wie das Schminken des Körpers mit Erde und (...) zum Entfernen von Schmutz usw. .
Das Sandhya ist dreimal täglich durchzuführen, und das darin gemurmelte Gayatri ist wie folgt (....).

  • Kapitel II

Dieses Kapitel beschreibt die Puja oder Anbetung der Nilasarasvati. Es ist an abgelegenen Orten wie Wüsten, Verbrennungsstätten, Dschungeln, Anhöhen und Bergen zu tun. Am Anfang steht die Verehrung der Götter Ganesa, Kshetrapala, Yogini und Vatuka mit (....). Während sie den Altar betreten, erhalten Brahma und Vastupurusha ihre Anbetung. Über die Devi soll meditiert werden, als auf dem Sitz von Juwelen am Fuße des wunscherfüllenden Baumes sitzend.
Das zur Verehrung notwendige Wasser soll mit dem Mantra (....) und die Händen mit (....) gereingt werden. Das Nippen ist mit (...) zu tun. Die Büschel der Haare am Kopf sind mit (...) zu binden und die Reinigung der Erde mit (....).

The sacrificial altar is to be besprinkled with the water purified in the manner given above. In the four gates Ganesa etc.. are to receive their worship. The mantra reading as 3T *FT^T- f%5TRl ^STR^T ^JcSnT^T ^T TT? ^UTT is muttered in warding off evil influences. The earth is to be consecrated with 3T ^f-

  • £F ll ^ ^riT. ^JT WT: 5gt% ^r% fr q^ ?grfT is the mantra in

consecrating the seat The practitioner after occupying the seat is to begin worshipping, first dressing himself properly and purifying his mind etc., with the mantra given above for tying the tuft of hair. Then he is to draw a diagram on a vessel of gold etc., consisting of eight-petalled lotus, iff J^Ti <TI £ coming in the leaves of the four quarters East etc. In the diagram Ganesa etc , also receive their worship. The Pitha Saktis of Tara Lakshmi etc., are worshipped in the eight leaves. After wor- shipping these and performing bodily purification, the practitioner has to consider the world as ethenc and his own self as identical with Tara whose form is described at page eleven.

Instructions for drawing the diagram and placing tne various utensils of worship on them are given after this alons w^th the particular mantras for Anga-nyasa. The practitioner is tc offer after Anga-nyasa sixteen articles such as water for leet etc. Some of these, flower etc., are said to be of various iiinds The attendant deities of Tara such as Vairochana etc., are to be worshipped in the eight petals with the mantra 3T -^crc^ Stcn^f? if c r7^ ^3TIT and Padmantaka, Yamantaka, Vishnantaka and Narakantaka in the four gates of the Yantra. Ofrenng a Homa is essential as also sacrificing a goat in the same The mantra to be used in the latter is ST §T C^TcuT

r'Ts-.^v ^(=-.'3"--! ^i 2,^. TijT"^ T^T^T ^T^ci»ls.<i^i"n'^ 1 he letters o: the mantra ^T <pfT §[ c^ are to he meditated upon in MtHadhara. Svadhishthana, navel and heart respectively or in the tongue collectively. Before singing the encomiastic hymn (Stuti) the practitioner must request the Devi to accept the Japa with the mantra given m the text along with the Tarasataka at the end. 1 he latter also appears m the Saktapramoaa.

  • Kapitel III

It emphasises the importance and describes the wa\ T of Diksha or Initiation. Every follower of the Devi must have it from a real spiritual teacher. The latter is to have Self-control, decency of dress, absence of hypocrisy, good conduct, intense longing tor worshipping the Devi etc. Care is to be taken in selecting the day and place for initiation.

Auspicious days are the sixth ( bright ) of Bhadoon, fourteenth ( dark ) of Assoon, ninth ( bright ) of Poh, fourth ( bright ) of Magna, thirteenth of Chaitra, third ( bright ) of Vaisakha, tenth ( bright ) of jeth, fifth ( bright ) of Har, fifth ( dark) of Sawan.

The places are cow-sheds, temples, crematoriums, river-banks and hills. The teacher is to whisper the mantra in the ear of the initiate after worshipping and offering Homa to the Devi.

The latter should take care that the former feels satisfied in every way. At the end of the ceremony the initiate is to feed the Brahmanas and young maidens. Offering worship to the teacher completes the ceremony.

  • Kapitel IV

Purascharana or practising the mantra is discussed in this chapter. In Purascharana five things are to be done, namely muttering of mantra, offering Homa, libation, bathing and feeding Brahmanas. The practitioner has to remember that ERf is the heart of Kallmantra as <£TT of Tara and gT of all Devis in general. He has to mutter the mantra a thousand times, eating food in the evening, sleeping on the earth and avoiding females. The rosary to be used in muttering must be of the frontal bone of the human head, containing fifty beads strung together with the thread spun by a Brahman lady. The form of the rosary and the thread used in stringing van.- according to the ends in view. For the consecration of the Mala it is of great importance that each bead of it should be considered as representing a letter of the alphabet and when telling it the letter should be muttered preceded and followed by the Mulamantra. Perfor- mance of the Homa also is necessary for the said purpose. The letters of the mantra serve as letters only unless the mind of the practitioner is fixed on the palh of Sushumna. The daily muttering is to be counted with the help of the fingerjoints. These are the middle and bottom joints ring finger, three joints little finger, top-joint ring finger, three joints mid-finger and bottom-joint index finger. Such a Mala is called the Mala of Sakti. Muttering the mantra of the deity called Kuliuka is essential for getting success in the worship of Tara. It consists of the three letters gT Wl f[ . Kuliuka is described as having four hands with a dagger in the left hand and blue in colour. Loud utterance of a mantra in a proper manner with the mantra being vitalized is of higher value than the ordinary muttering of it. Homa, Tarpana and Abhisheka follow Japa invariably. Cultivation of the devotional spirit is declared as an efficient cause of success in each mantra.

  • Kapitel V

This chapter deals with the occasional worship, the Pithas and their presiding deities. In order of importance da_y worship comes first, then the occasional and lastly the purposeful. In the case of the last two worshipping should be continued as long as the ooject is not gained. The eight and fourteenth. davs of each half are the sacred da3'S. Worship, if done on tr.ese days with particular offerings, leads to the particular ?DjecTs or cesire. Lse ot wine is strictly prohibited except at the time 01 worship because it has been cursed and condemned 07 Sukra. Substitutes also are given for wine such as wet ginger, whey with sugar. In the course 01 describing the importance or Kamarupa mention is made of the names of me Pithas and other sacred places together with those of the deities worshipped m them.

  • Kapitel VI

In this, worship of the Devi through the medium of a girl or a maiden is described at length. Making an offering to j achals forms part of this worship. It is to be conducted with the mantra =oi *u 7<r~. "^^^M^t. ~>< t - 1 -=••=§ ^.i«i-^ hh ~ i^f ^%

The eight trees named in the text are to be revered by the Kula worshipper. He has to be ceremonious and respectful towards all women and mutter a particular mantra siren in the text on seeing a vulture etc. On the third da}- of Yaisakha he is also to duly worship Mahakali described as having four arms with Abhaya, Vara, Khadga and Mundamala and wearing a garland of skulls. Mantra of Mahakali is given as _7 §7 etc. (see page 20).

Each day is supposed to represent in parts the six seasons for the purpose of performing the six acts such as Marana, Mohan a etc., midnight representing autumn, morning beginning of winter, forenoon rainy season, evenin'- winte^.

These six acts are described in the text as also the seasons during which their performance is prescribed. Details regarding these are also furnished in the text. Use of wine in the worship of Kali is compulsory. Purification of the same is done with the mantra and the hymn given in the text. Particular offerings are to be made for particular objects of life. The mantra reading as 3T ^if etc. ( page ninetyone ) and others are given for getting poetic power etc , at the end.

  • Kapitel VII

This chapter deals with the six acts of the black magic and the worship of the girls. Various herbs, various diagrams and various mantras are discussed in this connection. The eight- syllabled mantra S; f f 31 ^ ft W^ ^IfT is said to be the essence of all the mantras. The mantra of Khadgachamunda is believed to impart poetic power. The worshipper of Tara is instructed to have his son when born duly sanctified by writing the mantra on the latter's tongue. A hymn is given which requires being recited in the presence of the baby's mother to ward off all evil influences from the baby. Mahachina- krama or the sacred Tantric worship of the chinese is fully described in the pages 102 to 110

Worship of the girls of varying ages from one year to sixteen is explained at length towards the end of the chapter.

  • Kapitel VIII

It describes the Yantra etc., of Tara which consists of the two triangles with a centre surrounded by a hexagon, an eight-petalled lotus, a circle and a rectangle. The six deities Kali etc., are to be worshipped in the hexagon, the three deities Ugra etc , in the outer triangle and other three deities Matra etc., in the inner triangle. Mahakala is to receive his worship on the right side of Tara. The articles of worship are also mentioned and among these varieties of wine and other offerings are included. Exemption of various persons from heinous crimes is hinted at as in the Gandarva Tantra. Kaligayatri is given

Kumarl - Sadhana also finds mention in this chapter.

Among all the goddesses mentioned in the Tantras Tara, Kali and Aniruddha-sarasvatI are considered as of highest importance. Kali mantra is given as fff p fT fT =fff 3»T SfiT ^f- ^^TT^" srTT Effr m i; fT ff if . This mantra is said to be the chief of the mantras and has as such various applications. The well-known ten Samskaras of the mantras such as birth etc., as also the worship of the Kundalini are given at the end.

  • Kapitel IX

Vira-sadhana forms the subject-matter of this chapter, it is to be conducted strictly during the night and the amount of the muttering of the mantra varies according to the mantra. In the case of a single-syllabled mantra, muttering is to be done ten thousand times, in the case of the two-syllabled eight thousand times and so on. The practitioner is instructed to rise above all fears in order to get success in this Sadhana.

  • Kapitel X

Lata-sadhana is given in this. It is to be performed under the trees sacred to the Tantric worshippers. Here also the dead body of a human being is to be used.

  • Kapitel XI

In it come the other mantras associated with Tara. =37 ft ^ff i T»$ comes first. The seventeen-lettered mantra of Ugra-tara is given as ^T ^ trtr STfTtrar T^Rfo JTRr ^TTgT. The mantra of Nila-sarasvati reads as $ ff sff §#r ^p st? s* srrer^fir aS # iff jftsn-R^ra $: 3: 3: ^fg- ^ T % ^; ^ T g- T .

An anecdote explaining how Sarasvati has become Nilasarasvati is also given in this chapter.

  • Kapitel XII

In the above Bhairava relates how the Devi appeared under the name and form of Nilasarasvati. It is said that when demons harassed the Devas and drove them away horn heaven, the latter under the leadership of Indra sought the protec- tion first of Brahma, then of Vishnu and lastly of Siva. All the three being unable to remove the cause of their fear approached Mahakall. She being pleased with their worship created at her will another deity equally powerful called Tarini for the destruc- tion of the demons and restoration of the Devas to their former glory. The latter thereupon turned their attention towards Tarini so devotedly that she felt moved to create out of herself twelve other goddesses called fCall etc. who destroyed the demons and protected the Devas.

  • Kapitel XIII

In this are discussed the mantra etc. of Mahakali. The mantra reads as ^f # iff fT |T sfif ^ *rfr ft f[ £T iff. She is *, described as cloud-dark, naked, seated on corpse, wearing ' ^ a garland of skulls and having in hand skull, sword, Vara and % Abhaya. For getting success in the practice of her mantra, her Gayatrl as given in the 8th chapter is to be muttered twenty thousand times. Vlra-sadhana forms a part of her worship.

  • Kapitel XIV

This chapter deals with the worship of Kamaidiya and Tripura. The mantra and the details of the worship are given in the text. Many of these details resemble those of the wor- ship of Kali. The sixtyfour Yoginis named in the text are to receive the worship in the diagram ofKamakhya. The mantra of Tripura is given as t£ ^ff ?ff: . Her worship is to be done through the medium of a triangle.

  • Kapitel XV

This chapter furnishes description of some sacred places.

These are mountains— Darpana, Vayukuta, Asvakota, Bhasmakcta, Manikuta, Sukanta, Rakshahkuta, Pandunatha, Brahmakota, Nilakuta, Kajjalachala; Springs— Agnikunch, Somakunda, Urvasikunda and Rivers — Mangala, Sasvati, Kapila. Gods and goddesses to whom these places are sacred are mentioned in the text together with the details of their worship.

  • Kapitel XVI

Sixteenth patala describes the sacred days and the articles with which the Devi is to be bathed during the twelve months from Baisakh to Chet. Offerings which are to be made to the Devi after giving the bath are also mentioned in the text.

  • Kapitel XVII

The worship of Kali forms the subject-matter of the chapter. On the fourteenth day of the dark half of Kartik, Kali is to be worshipped during the night. She is described as three-eyed, black in colour, indulging in a boisterous laughter, wearing a garland of skulls and having in four hands respec- tively scissors, skull, Abhaya and Vara. Instructions regarding the construction of Kundas or sacrificial pits specially of their p^rts such as Mekhala, Yoni, Nabbi, Bila etc., are given in the text. The eighteen Samskaras to which these Kundas are to be subjected are also described. The mantra of the fire- god reads as lV?j; PT^T ??r TM ?X *C T^T ^ ^Hfsr ^TMrtR- «TT?T . Before the offering is made into the fire it is to be consecrated by performing the rites Garbhadhana etc., of the fire. Kali is also to be worshipped on the seventh day ( bright half ) of Magna. The worship of Sandhya is given at the end of the chapter. She is described as two-armed, dressed in yellow garments, red in colour, with three eyes having a book and SikshasGtra in the hands.

  • Kapitel XVIII

The Sahasra-nama of Tara is given in this chapter.

  • Kapitel XIX

This chapter gives the Kavacha and Guotamantra or 1 ara.

  • Kapitel XX

This chapter besides supplying the hundred names of Tara discusses how the Sakti element is more essential for the evolution of the world.

  • Kapitel XXI

Convertion of baser metals into gold, reducing either to motionlessness or ashes of quick silver and triple disposition of the practitioner as divine, heroic and beastly are mentioned in this chapter.

  • Kapitel XXII

Das Sahasra-nama von Kali - ihre 1000 Namen.

  • Kapitel XXI II

In diesem Kapitel werden die 100 Namen von kali aufgezählt.

  • Kapitel XXIV

In this chapter the mantra of Annapurna and her hundred names are given. The mantra reads perhaps as gT


  • Archive : Brihan Nila Tantram, Ramchandra Kak, 276 Seiten, 1938, Srinagar Kashmir - Sanskrit mit englischem Vorwort
  • Brihat Nila Tantra, Madhusudan Kaul - Sanskrit mit einleitender englischer Beschreibung der Kapitel
  • Brihannila tantra, Madhusudanakaulasastri - Mahakalibhairvava, Neuauflage, Verlag Butala & Company, 1941
  • 108 tara names
  • Sri Tara devi


  1. Kamakotimandali : Nilasarasvati
