Mahamaya Tantra

Aus Spiritwiki

( in langer Vorbereitung)


Gurupuja (Auszug) : Das Lied welches die Herzen der Dakinis bewegt
HUM – alle glückselig gegangenen Buddhas, alle Viras, Yoginis, Dakas und Dakinis, wir fragen bei euch an:
Wie Herukas entzückt in höchstem glückseligem Gewahrsein, die mit Respekt behandeln die Yoginis voller Freude,
Mögen wir eintreten in Einheit mit gleichzeitig aufsteigender Glückseligkeit , durch die Erfahrung von Vergnügen gemäß den Riten.
Alala-lala-ho, a-i-ah, arali-ho, Gastgeber der makellosen Dakinis,
Staune mit Zuneigung und verleihe allen erleuchtende Wirkungen. [1]

(Dies wird nur die Übersetzung ins Deutsche. Näheres entnehmen Sie bitte dem referenzierten PDF)

Mahamaya Tantra

  • Der König der Tantras, der gloriose Mahamaya

1. Die erste Anweisung : Verehrung der glorreichen Vajradakini!

1.1 Ich erweise meine Ehrerbietung dem Schützer der Wesen, dem glorreichen Vajradakim, dem universellen Herrscher der Dakinis, der wahren Essenz der fünf Weisheiten und der drei Körper.

1.2. Ich erweise meine Ehrerbietung allen Vajradakinis, die die Fesseln des begrifflichen Denkens durchschnitten und herabstiegen, um in der Welt zu handeln.

1.3. Jetzt werde ich im folgenden den Tantra erklären, der Das höchste Geheimnis der geheimen Göttinnen der Vajradakims, genannt wird.

1.4. Sie durchdringt das gesamte Ei von Brahma, das belebte und das unbelebte. Sie ist der Ursprung aller Göttinnen und regiert über Brahma und den Rest.

1.5. Sie ist das große Geheimnis, die große Königin Mahamaya. Sie ist die große Illusion, sehr wild, die alles Existierende zerstört.

1.6. Sie durchdringt all dieses: das belebte und das unbelebte, die drei Welten. Immer wieder sammelt sie die dreifache Welt wieder ein und strömt sie wieder aus.

Diese Mutter der Guhyakas(Vertraute von Kubera) wird als die Essenz der Illusion gefeiert. Sie ist das Wisssen, das die drei Welten vervollkomnet und alle Wünsche erfüllt.

Durch den bloßen Gedanken an die Königin des Vollendeten, des Wissens selbst, werden alle, die Devas, Danavas, Gandharvas, Yaksas, Asuras und Menschen, die Vidyadharas, die Kinnaras und Mahodaras, die Rakshasas und Pisacas, für den Praktizierenden beherrscht.

Alle Kreaturen sind unterworfen : Die auf dem Wasser und auf dem land geborenen.

Phänomene sind von Natur aus leuchtend; sie sind ursprünglich rein und ohne Makel.

Die Methoden derer, die die selbst-entstandenen fünf Weisheiten besitzen, sind zu loben;

Dies sind die Yoginis, die Mutter des Yoga, und die Ganzheit der drei Welten.

Das ganze Spiel der Illusion wird ohne Ausschluss oder Rest durchgeführt.

Von den Buddhas entführt hat der Yogi Wissen, meistert den Yoga und webt Indras Netz.

Er täuscht und lähmt, erschlägt, bringt ab und mehr.

Er zähmt, magnetisiert und so weiter ; erfliegt durch den Himmel.

Er tritt in die Zitadelle eines anderen ein, ist unsichtbar und so weiter.

Er erzeugt Feindseligkeit, macht stumm und bewegt sich unter der Erde;

Er wird der universelle Souverän Vidyadharas(Halbgötter), altert nicht und ist unsterblich.

 1.15.One with knowledge of yogic illusion is likewise free from disease—
 Yogis revel in the form of the mantra’s syllables.
 Through recitation and contemplation, meditation and absorption, 
 The vidya created through recitation brings about the accomplishment of knowledge.28
 Without discipline or austerities, without hardship, fasting, or vows,
 Bliss and Joy bring accomplishment through constancy in knowledge and method.29
 The Virile One stands in the center of the navel, in the hidden space of the blossom;
 He is mind, the absence of mind, and mental form—the nature of knowledge and what can be known.
 will now describe him—this is the profound instruction of the Buddha:
 A chain equal to that of the ali kali is coiled there.
 The upper chain ignites and is made to flow downward,
 A drop of nectar flowing in the form of semen.
 Whatever comes on the path of the senses is naturally just that.
 Through the practice of supreme benefit all becomes the nature of the Buddha.30
 The spiritual attainment of the great commitment is the perfection of the great pill.31 
 In the embrace of Mahamaya you should practice yogic union.32
 Endowed with the five offerings together with the five objects of desire,
 The power of accomplishment will be known and spiritual attainment made permanent.
 will explain this spiritual attainment of wisdom,
 By which the state of a god is swiftly attained—Goddess, I speak truthfully!
 To you, Mahamaya, I will explain the accomplishment of the three worlds,
 The garland of syllables of the most excellent among the great yoginis.33
 The great yogi who masters the animate and inanimate with thought alone Is constantly 
 offered desirable things and served according to his pleasure.
 He is always at play and accomplishes the vajra yoginis. [509]
 In a variety of forms the essential practice is revealed. [F.168.b]
 The great attainment, the splendor of the tathagatas, is granted;34 
 Through extracting various essences the yogi constantly benefits beings.35
 With the collected semen, liquor, and extracted large pill,
 He mixes in the great flesh and unites with the yogini.
 He gains long life, great virility, great splendor, and becomes exceedingly powerful;36 
 He possesses divine sight, magical ability, and drinks the moon day after day;
 He becomes long-lived so that he lives for a great age;
 He manifests an alluring form and conjures miracles;
 With merely a thought his appearance is transformed—
 The queen of vidyas, the great enchantress, is unfailingly accomplished through recitation.
 Vidya! In the three worlds there is nothing equal to my knowledge.37 
 This transmission of all tantras has been explained to you, Magnificent One!
 This completes the first instruction on the signs of spiritual attainment of The Great Vidya, 
 Queen of the Yogims.
* ==== Die zweite Anweisung ====
 Now, following that, I will explain the sublime secret syllable that bestows the result of 
 the spiritual attainment for the practice of the great queens of yoga.
 Merely visualizing her, the yogini grants the best of things.
 Apply the first syllable and sustain the upward breath.38
 Taking that which comes at the end of the eight together with u and the bindu,
 The yogi moves the downward breath, abandoning the real and unreal. [510]
 The observances are not explained: the activities of the garland mantra,
 Of retention, and of fire offerings are all omitted.39
 The threefold practice is said to be essentially mantra, appearance, and reality.
 Through three aspects of wisdom he will not be stained by the faults of existence.
 The yogi who constantly meditates on this without interruption
 Is equal to Vajrasattva and gains accomplishment in a single month. [F.169.a]
 Meditate upon the first syllable which is the color of Indra.
 Merged fully with one’s own awareness it is summoned in an instant.
 The one possessing the second syllable is imagined and cultivated.
 One gains power over everything within the whole of the three worlds.
 Brahma, and lord Visnu, so too Indra and the Lord of Desire;
 Invoked with the wisdom syllable, they are summoned along with their wives.40
 Endowed with the syllable a, settled in awakened body, speech, and mind,4i 
 Perform the threefold union—this is the supreme extraction of the pill.
 Possessing the syllable khe is the four-faced one with a red body.42 
 Skull cup in hand he is passion itself—this is the supreme extraction of semen.
 Possessing the syllable ci 43 is one yellow in color who shines brightly,
 With the form of a horse’s face—engaging him is the supreme extraction of the liquor.
 The one possessing the syllable ra is red in color and exceedingly bright,
 Has four arms and four faces, and appears in the form of a jackal.
 Cultivating this wrathful mind is the supreme extraction of blood.
 Endowed with the six syllables, they are fixed in the six places.
 The practice, the host of dakinis, and the vajra yogims are accomplished, [511]
 The two eyes, the ears, and so too the nose and the mind.
 Yogis take the posture of a sporting lion;44

 While meditating with the movement of breath controlled, it blazes in an instant45
 Throughout Akanistha. the summit of existence, and in the seven worlds of the animate and inanimate.
 All meditate upon it. but they don’t realize it.
 If everyone realized it. the manifestations of beings would utterly collapse.
 Therefore this wisdom is secret. obscure. and unwritten.
 Because the awakened ones know. they who are immersed in yogic sleep.46 
 They concentrate upon the pill and meditate on the singular nature of forms. [F.169.b]
 They meditate on the essence of the substances arisen from the nine doors.47 
 And consume them with a mind free of concepts and devoid of intrinsic nature.
 With the thumb and ring finger. place the wish-granting jewel in the mouth.
 And attain the everlasting spiritual attainment arisen from the nature of the nectar.
 This completes the second instruction on the practice of The Great Vidya, Queen of the Yoginis.
* ==== Die dritte Anweisung ====
 Now comes a thorough explanation of the supreme accomplishment of the samaya:
 The ingestion of the other gathered substances that bestow the result of omniscience.
 By their mere consumption the mothers of the spirits are accomplished:48 
 Elephant and horse. and so too cow and dog.
 Mixed with the great one and also the five wisdom nectars.
 From the fourteenth to the eighth they are combined and mingled together.49
 Left inside a jackal for seven days. remove them. [512]
 Roll the five into pellets the size of mustard seeds.
 3.5.Indeed this tantra teaches that from the eighth to the fourteenth
 Cultivate them individually for seven days. mix them. and place them in a jackal.50
 Take them out—from the five make pellets the size of the fruit of spiritual attainment.
 Because the great fruition is perfectly realized. it is taught in this tantra but fully concealed 
 The buddhas have concealed the great fruition in every instance.
 Next follows the method of practice: visualize a mind lotus Glowing red in color and endowed 
 with the four goddesses.
 It is adorned with the figure of the Buddha.
 3.8.In the east he shines like a blue lotus. to the south he is yellow.
 To the west whitish red. and in the north he glows emerald.51
 Shrouded in a garland of flames. he is beautiful with three eyes. four faces. and four arms.
 3.9.Imagine that the goddess in the east has three eyes and holds a khatvahga and bell in her 
 left hands and a vajra and skull cup in her right hands. The goddess in the south wields a trident. 
 a jewel. a banner, and a jackal. The goddess in the west holds a bow, an arrow, a multi-colored lotus, 
 and a skull cup. [F.170.a] The goddess in the north wields a sword, a noose, a hand drum, and a skull cup.
 3.10.In its center visualize the vajra body, speech, and mind Bearing a skull cup and khatvahga, and so 
 too a bow and arrow.
 Meditating on that which possesses the first mantra, it blazes for an instant.
 Practicing like this, the yogi is granted the spiritual attainment of the substance. [513]
 Through the accomplishment of the yogiriL confidence swiftly develops.52 
 One can become entirely invisible and manifest a thousandfold at once.53
 Plunder from the buddhas and enjoy sublime celestial girls.54
 With vajra eyes one will see, like an amalaka fruit in the palm of one’s hand.
 Buddhas equal to grains of sand in the Ganga residing in their vajra realms,55
 Pure realms numerous as sand in the Ganga, the features of awakened body, speech, and mind,56 
 The intrinsic condition of all objects—know them to arise from the mind’s dance.57
 Apply the syllables in reverse and meditate on the mantra.
 Ingest each one of the pills infused with the vajra drink.
 Take the last of the eight syllables together with the u and bindu;
 Fix it firmly at the end and clearly pronounce the mantra: guhya bhakSa abhakSe huhg.58
 3.17.In perfect union with the yogini take possession of the first syllable.
 If desiring accomplishment through the vajra holder, a yogi consumes the manifest mantra seven times.
 The last of the three syllables sits clearly at the end of the eight.
 Endowed with the u and bindu it remains as the supreme syllable.
 The one linked to the first syllable is united with hr/h. [F.170.b]
 Apply the last of the syllables and fix in place the five seeds.
 Meditate upon the syllable and cause the lotus to fully bloom.
 For those who seek the accomplishment of a vajra holder, this union should be fully known.
 Then, the sublime vajra song which is the realization of the vajra yoginis welcomes the one 
 who thoroughly accomplishes existences
 “Hey, friend! The vajra makes the lotus swell and bloom. A la la la la ho! 
 You have been aroused by the dance of great bliss. The rays	of	the	sun fully open the	face of the lotus. 
 You have become aroused by the dance of great bliss.”60
 Then, simply through this song sung to the great vajra holder 
 The vajradakinis dance and call out to Vajrasattva.
 3.23.In this way one with consistent devotion gains the spiritual attainment of union.
 Through perfect union in the four times, accomplishment is gained—this is the supreme meditation.
 Adorned with all perfect ornaments and wreathed with flowers and perfume,
 So the spiritual attainment that bestows the sublime three bodies is certainly attained,
 Causing its perfect illumination within a hundred miles.
 From the perfect application of the two powers arise the substances of the nine doors.
 One will accomplish the unsurpassable essence, the peace of abiding in the awakening of buddhahood
 Now, in verse form:

Gelehrt nach den Wünschen des Geistes der großen Göttin.

Wer auch immer dieses Tnatra zuhause aufbewahrt, er möge es immer bei sich haben, und singen und darauf meditieren. Er wird nicht weiter Krankheit erfahren, Alterung, Hindernisse oder Tod. Er wird für immer geschützt sein vor Hindernisssen durch die Königin der Yoginis.

Dieses schließt die dritte Anweisung über die Methode der Praxis und Nebentätigkeiten ab, das höchste Geheimnis der Geheimnisse, die die Absicht der großen Vajradakinis sind.

Hiermit endet das Mahamaya Tantra. Es wurde übersetzt und editiert vom indischen Pandit Jinavara und dem großen tibetischen Übersetzer Go Lhetse.



  1. Bla-ma mchod-pa, The Guru Puja
  2. CC3.0
