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Shri Maheshvari(große Herrin - Ishvari ; Parameshvari) ist eine Gefährtin von Shiva(Maheswhara) und hat ebenfalls als Reittier den Ochsen Nandi, mit dem sie zusammen vierarmig mit 3 Augen und mit einem Dreizack(Trishul) in der linken Hand sowie einer kleinen Doppeltrommel(Udukkai) in der rechten Hand dargestellt wird.

Sie wird auch zu den Matrikas gezählt.


Maheshwari wird das ajña- chakra zugeordnet. Ihr Bija - Mantra ist Iim.
Andere Mantras sind

  • Aayur dehee Dhanam Dehee,Vidyaam dehee Maheshwari,Samastamakhilam dehee,dehee mey Parameshwari
  • Aayur dehee Dhanam Dehee, Vidyaam dehee Maheshwari,Samastamakhilam dehee,dehee mey Parameshwari
  • Ayudehi dhan dehi vidhya dehi Maheshwari, Samastmakhila dehi dehi may Parmeshwari(Reichtum).

Maheshwari wird auch mit Krodha Naashinya(Zerstörerin des Dämons Krodha (Zorn)) gezeichnet. Sie verleiht Ihren Verehrern die Fähigkeit Zorn zu transzendieren. Sie wird auch im Devi Mahatmya,4-35 angerufen.


Sri Aurobindo schrieb über Sie[1]:

  • Die kaiserliche Maheshwari sitzt in der Weite über dem denkenden Geist und Willen, und sie sublimiert und vergrößert sie in Weisheit und Größe oder flutet mit Glanz über sie hinaus.

For she is the mighty and wise One who opens us to supramental infinities and the cosmic vastness, to the grandeur of the supreme Light, to a treasure-house of miraculous knowledge, to the measureless movement of the Mother's eternal forces. Tranquil is she and wonderful, great and calm for ever.

Nothing can move her because all wisdom is in her; nothing is hidden from her that she chooses to know; she comprehends all things and all beings and their nature and what moves them and the law of the world and its times and how all was and is and must be. A strength is in her that meets everything and masters and none can prevail in the end against her vast intangible wisdom and high tranquil power.

Equal, patient, unalterable in her will she deals with men according to their nature and with things and happenings according to their Force and truth that is in them.Partiality she has none, but she follows the decrees of the Supreme and some she raises up and some she casts down or puts away into the darkness. To the wise she gives a greater and more luminous wisdom; those that have vision she admits to her counsels; on the hostile she imposes the consequence of their hostility; the ignorant and foolish she leads them according to their blindness.

In each man she answers and handles the different elements of his nature according to their need and their urge and the return they call for, puts on them the required pressure or leaves them to their cherished liberty to prosper in the ways of the Ignorance and perish.

For she is above all, bound by nothing, attached to nothing in the universe. Yet she has more than any other the heart of the universal Mother. For her compassion is endless and inexhaustible; all are to her eyes her children and portions of the One, even the Asura and Rakshasa and Pisacha and those that are revolted and hostile. Even her rejections are only a postponement, even her punishments are a grace. But her compassion does not blind her wisdom or turn her action from the course decreed; for the Truth of things is her one concern, knowledge her centre of power and to build our soul and our nature into the divine Truth her mission and her labour. (Selection from " The Mother" By Sri Aurobindo)

  • Frage : Ist Maheshwari auf den Ebenen des intuitiven und Übergeistes (Atman)?

Diese Kräfte können sich auf allen Ebenen bis zur physischen ebene manifestieren. (25 August 1933)

I had a talk with X in which he said that Athena is a form or representation of Maheshwari. Some of my visions of Gods like Shiva were in forms resembling human forms, but I thought this was due to my having seen them on the planes relating to the human mind and so my mind saw them in that way. Before the material creation took place, the vital and mental worlds existed and before that the planes of the higher hemisphere existed. But did the Gods on these planes exist with forms and shapes or did they only exist as impersonal forces without forms?

As to the Gods, man can build forms which they will accept; but these forms too are inspired into man’s mind from the planes to which the God belongs. All creation has the two sides, the formed and the formless; the Gods too are formless and yet have forms, but a Godhead can take many forms, hereMaheshwari, there Pallas Athene.
Maheshwari herself has many forms in her lesser manifestations, Durga, Uma, Parvati, Chandi etc. The Gods are not limited to human forms—man also has not always seen them in human forms only. (1 September 1935) [1]


  • [1] Sri Aurobindo : The mother PDF


  1. The mother with letters on the mother s.66-67


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