Tibetische Medizin

Aus Spiritwiki

(in Vorbereitung)

Eine Zeichnung aus dem Blue Beryl die die tibetisch - buddhistische Sicht der chakras (Tib. rsta-khor) und der sushumna (Tib. dbu-ma) darstellt. Die Tradition betont die Existenz der 5 größeren Chakras which are depicted possessing twenty-four spokes said to symbolize their ability to generate and link with the numerous subtle meridians or currents (Tib. rsta). The Brow end Throat centers are associated with the cosmic plane (Tib. stod), the Heart center to the human plane (Tib. bar). and the Solar and Vitality centers to the earth plane (Tb. smad).[1]


Publisher: Harry N Abrams , Language: English, ISBN-10: 0810938618 ISBN-13: 9780810938618

  • Tibetan Medical Paintings: Illustrations to the Blue Beryl Treatise of Sangye Gyamtso 1653--1705

Yuri Parfionovich, Gyurme Dorje, and Fernand Meyer. Abrams, New York, (1992)2v.


  1. Energetic Healing, Embracing the Life Force by Arnie Lade (1999) p.48
